Launch Health Tech Ed. 2

Launch Health Tech brings together the CEE Health Tech ecosystem, on October 3rd, in Bucharest

Press Release, September 13, 2023

After a successful first edition organised in May 2023, Launch Community comes back with a second edition of Launch Health Tech, on October 3rd. The event will bring together the CEE community of startup founders, investors, private and public actors in the Health Tech ecosystem. It will take place in Bucharest, as an official side event of the How to Web Conference.

Launch Health Tech is organised by Launch Community, an initiative of How to Web, Google for Startups and InnovX-BCR, that supports early stage entrepreneurs to grow sustainably. Launch gives members access to resources, knowledge, a network spanning many professional areas, and events focused on industries that have great potential for the future, such as healthcare technologies.

The second edition of the event welcomes startup founders, investors, stakeholders and representatives of the private and public sectors and media, from all across Central and Eastern Europe, who are active or interested in technologies that can transform for the better medical processes: devices, IT systems, biotechnologies, artificial intelligence, blockchain, apps, etc.

The end goal is to foster innovation in the international HealthTech ecosystem, and to create the right environment for its participants to learn and connect with potential new partners, mentors, investors, talent or fellow entrepreneurs.

Launch Health Tech will take place on October 3rd, as part of the side event series organised prior to the How to Web Conference. Participants are awaited at Control Club in Bucharest, starting at 1 PM. Access is free, and based on registration only.

“We empower another edition of Launch Health Tech as our aim is to partner and co-create together with those innovators who want to change the game in the health industry. Launch Health Tech Ed. 2 is a great opportunity to bring a big part of the Central & Eastern European Health Tech community under the same roof.” Lucian Paraschiv, Founder MedStarter Hub & Global Medical Solutions (GMS)

“We work closely with many representatives of the HealthTech ecosystem and are aware of the impressive results that can be achieved when the right context is created. This is our role here at Launch, and we want to expand our impact beyond our borders. It’s an empowering move and a really exciting opportunity for anyone in the industry.” Diana Mereu, Founder HealthFluencer & Director Launch Health Tech

Among the keynote speakers and panellists who have already confirmed their presence, there are: Maya Zlatanova (TrialHub & FindMeCure), Elina Halatcheva (BrightCap Ventures), Jan Vichr (FOLK), Sebastian Gabor & Ruxandra Pui (Digitail).

Launch Health Tech Agenda:

  • 13.00-14.00 Welcome Networking
  • 14.00-16.00 Keynotes, Panels & Demos 
  • 16.00-16.30 Networking

More details about the event and registration are available here

Launch Health Tech consists of a series of events and matchmaking actions dedicated to the Health Tech vertical in healthy partnership with MedStarter Hub and with the support of HealthFluencer.

About Launch Community 

Launch is the community that supports Romanian early stage startup founders and tech talent in Romania. Launch democratises access to all the resources one needs to go from product to a successful startup: feedback, expertise, access to funding and pilot projects, networking opportunities, all this for an indefinite time.

Activities in the Launch community guide efforts in the right direction. As a member of the community, one gets access to one-on-one meetings with experts and company representatives from various industries, and can take part in group activities together with other founders from the entire ecosystem in Romania, in order to overcome startup development-related obstacles.

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